
We believe in human centered and sustainable development. We focus on the buildings, what´s inside them, and the life lived between them. Our ambition is to create places where people want to live, work, and socialize.

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Adamstuen - The former Veterinary College

Office / Residential, Norway
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Oversiksbilde RHB Viken

Expansion of Romerike Helsebygg

Health, Norge
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Skjermbilde 2024 08 22 kl 12 43 15


Health, Norway
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3 D Bj rvika OSU oversiktsbilde jan 2020

Oslo S. Utvikling AS (OSU)

Office / Residential, Norge
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Illustrasjon AGTG


Office, Norway
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Csm Flesland oversikt 01 3fc7ded981

Bergen Airport Development

Office, Norge
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2403 5 Sjoparken 01 Dronemontasje 02

Sjøparken Stavern

Office / Residential, Norge
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1625220114 2403 4 Sjoparken 25 Eksteri r 03 1

Sjøparken Stavern - "Agnes passasjen" building C

Residential, Norway
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Fasade øst kveld Furuset

Furuset Utvikling AS

Office / Residential, Norge
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Galleri Oslo Perspektiv elverommet forside web

Galleri Oslo Development

Office / Residential, Norge
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Skjermbilde 2023 11 24 kl 11 51 23

Satekles Business Center

Office, Latvia
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Sporta ielas kvartals 02 800x595

Sporta 2 quarter

Office / Residential, Latvia
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Saliena 858x887

Riga Retail Park

Shopping Center, Latvia
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Linstow still stående bygning building health v2

Building Health - Helsefremmende stedsutvikling

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Residential, Norway
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