Sjøparken Stavern

Sjøparken Stavern is a development project in Stavern, in Larvik Municipality. The area used to belong to Agnes Fabrikker, which made matchsticks, chipboard and roof sheeting for 150 years. The project is being managed through Agnes Utvikling AS, a joint venture company, owned by Grendahl Holding and Linstow.

2403 5 Sjoparken 01 Dronemontasje 02
Office / Residential
Sjøparken , Stavern
120.000 m2

The site covers 250 ha, with a 1.5 kilometre long beachfront, and when finished, will comprise a health-promoting neighbourhood with at least 600 varied types of homes. The area has also been designated for 80,000 m2 of commercial premises.

We need to incorporate what will be healthy and preventive for the residents and workers of Sjøparken Stavern in the design stage. By making conscious choices at such an early phase, and planning the design of homes and outdoor areas based on the premises of health and prevention, we’ll be able to contribute to better quality of life for everyone who chooses to live or spend any time here.

Marketing Director

Bård Løvaas

+47 90 09 02 08 Send email

Chief of Projects

Frode Sørensen

+47 46 62 04 79 Send email

Director of Development

Terje Lorentzen

+47 93 04 11 52 Send email