Koksa Eiendom AS

Linstow AS holds 12,5% owner share in Koksa Eiendom AS, a holding company responsible for building, managing and creating an internationally-leading knowledge centre at Fornebu, just outside of Oslo.

Martin Linges vei 33, Fornebu
Ifp 118 01

The vision for the Koksa Eiendom project is: "Through an interaction between research, education and industry, and taking a long-term approach, to create a diversified and forward-looking knowledge community and thereby to expand national innovation and knowledge-based business development."

The project consist of:

  • Terminal building of 42,500 sqm offices - SOLD
  • Portal building of 28,000 sqm - SOLD
  • Statoil building of 65,000 sqm - SOLD
  • Profil building of 5,000 sqm offices - SOLD
  • Scandic hotel of 20,000 sqm was completed autumn 2012 - SOLD
  • 100,000 sqm housing is also to be Koksadeveloped - SOLD

The other owners in Koksa Eiendom AS are:

  • SIVA Fornebu AS (37,10 %)
  • Selvaag Gruppen AS (12,59 %)
  • DnB Bank ASA (12,59 %)
  • Schage Eiendom AS (12,51 %)
  • Ganger Rolf ASA (6,31 %)
  • Bonheur ASA (6,31 %)
  • AWilhelmsen Capital AS (0,04 %)