Linstow strengthens health initiative
Linstow has appointed Camilla Rydberg as the new business developer for the focus area Health. The initiative currently encompasses health centers, promoting health through real estate development, and new forms of housing.
5. April 2024

- Linstow has significant growth ambitions, and health is one of our focus areas in Norway. There is increasing interest for health centers, and there is a need to incorporate health expertise into development of new buildings and neighborhoods to help improve public health, says Knut Løken, CEO of Linstow.
Linstow owns and manages Romerike Helsebygg and Helsehusene i Fredrikstad. Additionally, the company is involved in numerous development projects where health expertise is integrated from the early stages, including projects at Adamstuen, in Nes municipality, and in Larvik municipality.
Strong business developer
Camilla Rydberg has been hired as a business developer with a special focus on establishing new concepts for existing health centers and developing new, locally adapted health concepts for properties that can help address the societal challenges municipalities are facing.
- I am impressed by the position Linstow has taken within health initiatives. There is great potential in integrating health and real estate to improve public health. I look forward to getting started - alongside the highly skilled professionals at Linstow, says Camilla Rydberg.
Rydberg has previously served as a business developer at Samfunnsbygg and has prior experience in real estate, including roles at Hemfosa Samfunnsbygg. She also possesses considerable expertice in business and concept development gained from her tenure at companies like Bonaventure Sales and Midelfart AS.
- We are delighted to welcome Camilla to our team. Her experience as a business developer in both real estate and major brand companies aligns perfectly with our goals. Given the profound impact of built environments on human behavior, there`s a substantial potential to enhance public health through knowledge-based development and facilitation for more health-promoting use of property. Thinking innovatively, more integrated, and holistic will be crucial to remain relevant, both as a developer and property manager, in the future," says Hege Hidle Aaser, Director of Linstow Health.
Thinking innovatively
Linstow has extensive experience in developing communities desired for living, working, and socializing. The health initiative`s strategy revolves around constructing buildings, urban spaces, and neighborhoods that foster physical activity and inclusivity – catering to all individuals regardless of their circumstances or abilities.
- To achieve our vision of creating more communities like this in the future, we need to enhance collaboration and adopt a more goal-oriented approach. This entails cooperation with a large range of stakeholders and exploring innovative methodologies - from the initial early stages of development projects to the management of fully realized properties. Camilla's expertise promises to be a valuable asset realizing our aspirations for further sustainable growth, concludes Hidle Aaser.