Knut Løken appointed new CEO of Linstow
Per Mortensen will retire as CEO by the end of the year and will be replaced by the current deputy CEO, Knut Løken.
4. September 2023
Per Mortensen is retiring after 14 years as CEO of Linstow. Knut Løken, who has been working for the company since 2010, being responsible for investments and business development, will succeed Mortensen. Løken has all along been part of the top management team and has played a vital role in the company`s development. In 2020, he was appointed deputy CEO.
- We are grateful for the work Per Mortensen has done. From 2009 until today, the company has tripled its portfolio, which today comprise of in total 550,000 square meters, in addition to a development potential of almost 800,000 square meters. Under his leadership, Linstow has built up the Norwegian portfolio, and it now makes up 50% of the company's total portfolio. This has been done at the same time as strengthening Linstow`s position in the Baltics. Today, the company is recognized as a leading urban developer with several high-profile projects. Linstow is also positioned within health-related property and health-promoting urban development. Knut Løken has played a key role in this work, and we are confident that he is the right person to take Linstow further, says chairman Sigurd Thorvildsen.
Per Mortensen will work until the end of 2023 and will also be available for the new CEO after the succession.
- This has without doubt been the best job of my career, and I am proud of what the organization has achieved. We have developed sites that are an important part of everyday life for many people. We have more projects than ever, including Oslo's most exciting urban development project - Adamstuen. I look forward to following the realization of these projects, confident that Knut is the right person to lead the company moving forward, says Mortensen.
Knut Løken knows Linstow well after 13 years and is humble towards the task ahead.
- I would like to thank the board for the trust in me, and I am pleased to have had the opportunity to work alongside Per over many years. Linstow is well positioned and has every opportunity going forward. My job will be to continue developing the company together with talented colleagues to realize the ambitions that have been set for further sustainable growth, says Løken.

- Dette har uten tvil vært den beste jobben i min karriere, og jeg er stolt av det organisasjonen har fått til. Vi har utviklet steder som er en viktig del av hverdagen for svært mange mennesker. Nå har vi flere prosjekter på gang enn noensinne, deriblant Oslos mest spennende byutviklingsprosjekt – Adamstuen. Jeg gleder meg til å følge realiseringen av disse prosjektene fra sidelinjen etter nyttår, i visshet om at Knut er den rette til å lede dette, sier Mortensen.
Knut Løken kjenner Linstow godt etter 13 år, men er ydmyk for oppgaven han står overfor. - Jeg vil takke for tilliten, og er jeg glad for at jeg har fått anledning jobbe side om side med Per gjennom mange år. Linstow er i meget god fart, og har alle muligheter fremover. Min oppgave blir å videreutvikle selskapet sammen med fantastiske kollegaer for å realisere de ambisjonene som er lagt for videre bærekraftig vekst, sier Løken.